Tel: 0191 406 7057
New patients

If you would like to register with our practice, please do not hesitate in contacting us. You will be invited to attend a New Patient Registration appointment with our Healthcare Assistant. Simply see our receptionist and ensure you know the following details:

  • Full name, including previous names
  • Date and place of birth
  • Previous address
  • New address and post code
  • Last name and address of your previous Doctor
  • NHS number if known - not the same as your National Insurance Number
  • Identification Document (original) or student ID card

Register online
You can register online with the practice at
Download registration forms

You can download the forms you need to register from here. You will need to complete both the forms for each person who wishes to register.
Download registration forms for an adult patient
Download registration forms for a person under 16.

Newly Registered?

You may consult any of the doctors and nurses at the surgery, as you are registered with the practice and not an individual partner. You will, however, be allocated a nominal partner on registration but this is for administrative purposes only. We encourage you however to remain with a particular Doctor or Nurse for any ongoing problem, as this helps continuity of care.

Please give the Receptionists full details of any change of name, address or telephone number for you or for any member of your family.

If you move from the practice area (see map) we will have to ask you to register with an alternative practice covering your new residential area.

If you have a significant past medical history you may be requested to have an initial health check with the practice nurses and an appointment time will be arranged for this. This is a good opportunity for us to meet you and find out about any medical problems before your notes arrive from your last practice.

Do you live in the practice area?

Enter your postcode in the box below to see if it is within our practice area.

0191 406 7057

East Wing Surgery
(Drs Zaidi, Salaudeen & Pillay)
Palmer Community Hospital
Wear Street
Tyne and Wear NE32 3UX

Opening times

The practice is open 8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. We are closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

When we are closed

If you need medical help, which is not an emergency dial 111. If it is a life-threatening emergency dial 999.

Practice leaflet

Our practice leaflet is packed with information to help you find your way around our services.
Download it here >>>

© East Wing Surgery

This website updated 27/07/2024